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Account Engagement’s Email Builder – New Email Experience

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Change is here! If you use Account Engagement’s Lightning Email Builder, you probably noticed a new option.  From the Email Content tab, click “Edit in Builder,” and you are prompted with this popup. If you choose “Current email experience,” you can proceed as usual. (No change.) SPOILERS ALERT: I recommend staying in the Current Email Experience. The Salesforce ecosystem is changing rapidly, and much is [...]

Move Account Engagement (Pardot) Assets between Sandbox and Production

Account Engagement|

Would you like to move email templates, engagement studio programs or other assets between Account Engagement's sandbox and production (and vice versa)? You can! Use Account Engagement's Bulk Asset Copy Sandbox to production Flow to make your Account Engagement testing a snap. Sandboxes allow you to plan and test your content so that it is perfect for showtime. For instance, you may need to tweak [...]

6 Benefits of Account Engagement’s Integration into Salesforce

Account Engagement|

Companies must consider many factors when choosing a new marketing automation platform. One crucial consideration is integration with the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Because marketing and sales are closely intertwined, companies need seamless dataflow. This blog highlights Account Engagement's integration with Salesforce. So, what does integration mean, and why should you care? Keep reading. One login to access Account Engagement & Salesforce New users [...]

Send Salesforce Reports to Your Inbox for Easy Monitoring


How do you like your email marketing data? To go? Me too. If you create a marketing report in Salesforce, you can set a subscription to receive the daily, weekly, or monthly details. (Think DoorDash or Uber Eats.) Marketers, you might want to know: The number of form submissions this month Metrics on all the emails sent recently The average monthly unsubscribe numbers Details on [...]

Navigate Email Marketing When You Can’t Trust Click Metrics


Clickbots are a curse to all marketers. With the rise of security bots, email click metrics are getting harder to trust. Marketers reviewing email results are often frustrated because the number of clicks looks…wrong. Security bot clicking First, let's understand what's happening. When email metrics look inflated, a common culprit is email security bots. Most click bots are security applications and scripts run by businesses [...]

Account Engagement Copy Between Business Units- Bulk Asset Copy Flow

Business Units|

If you have mulitple business units in your Account Engagement org, you will likely want to copy assets between business units. An email template that needs to go into each business unit is a prime example.  Now you can transfer assets easily between Account Engagement business units. Go to Settings > Flows. Find the Account Engagement Bulk Asset Copy Flow.   Here is the Flow. [...]

Use These Email Tools for Account Engagement (Pardot)


Google and Yahoo made new email requirements effective February 2024. They expect email marketers to: Maintain a low spam threshold (under 0.3%) Authenticate emails with SPF, DKIM and DMARC Always include a List-Unsubscribe header Use these tools to make sure that you have all the new requirements covered. Postmaster Tool  Gmail has a 27.4% market share, and if you regularly send emails to your email [...]

Account Engagement (Pardot) Advanced Email Analytics

Account Engagement|

Advanced Email Analytics is an insightful tool for any Account Engagement user.  But let's be honest. In our modern marketing world, where you can't count opens and are unsure of clicks, the value of Advanced Email Analytics has dropped a notch. Nonetheless, marketers often find themselves reviewing the analytic results of important emails.  Advanced Email Analytics Account Engagement Advanced Email Analytics is available in Plus, [...]

New Gmail and Yahoo Protections and What to Do in Account Engagement (Pardot)

Account Engagement|

Google and Yahoo made joint announcements in October 2023 that will affect all email marketers worldwide. Just when you think you have email figured out, it changes. Here are the quick facts: Google and Yahoo have new requirements for companies that send over 5,000 messages to Gmail addresses in one day (bulk senders). A Gmail account is one of these account types: A personal account [...]

Customize your Account Engagement Email Content List View

Account Engagement|

Bill Fetter from Unfettered Marketing inspired this blog with his innovative solution of customizing Email Content.   If you’re using the new Lighting Email Builder, you regularly send emails out of Email Content. The Email Content default page layout looks something like this:   Take a closer look at the columns in the screenshot above. The default list only displays Name, Last Modified By and [...]

Adding Public Folder to Lightning Email Builder

Account Engagement|

If you are using the Lightning Email Builder, you likely want to save your email templates in a public folder.  The public folder will allow anyone in your team to access the email templates.  (Saving the email templates in the Private folder means only you will have access.) But sometimes, you can't see "Public Email Templates" as a choice. If this happens, you need to [...]

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Winter ’24 Release Highlights

Account Engagement|

Upcoming Account Engagement Winter '24 Webinar October 31, 2023 01:00 PM CDT Featured Speakers: Lindsey DiGiovanni, Product Manager, Salesforce Katie Wheeler, Product Marketing, Salesforce Hilary Scott, Associate Product Manager, Salesforce Join us for an exclusive look at the new Marketing Cloud Account Engagement features as part of the Winter ’24 Release. We will walk through our latest innovations for Account Engagement and discuss: How you [...]

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