Hey there!

Glad to see that you are ready to set up the new Email and Landing Page Builders, the future of marketing in Account Engagement.

The Email and Landing Page Builders allow marketers to create basic, drag-and-drop templates.

Let’s go!

Setting up Account Engagement Email & Landing Builders

If you prefer videos, watch me set up the Email & Landing Page Builder in  SEVEN MINUTES!




To start, go to Salesforce, choose Setup, and in the QuickFind Box type CONTENT SETUP.

Follow the predefined steps.

Salesforce Content Setup

1. Prerequisites

If you are missing the prerequisites, you’ll need more time. Here’s what you need:

  • Enable Account Engagement for Lightning
  • Complete connected campaigns
  • Turn on Handlebar Merge Language (HML)

(Contact me if you need help in any of these areas.)

2. Grant Admin and User Access

Next, click on “Create Permission Set” and assign the new permission set to the correct users.

Once you create the permission set, you need to choose Manage Assignments and add the necessary marketers to the new permission set.

Account Engagement Email Builder Grant Admin Access

3. Configure CMS for Email

CMS stands for Content Management System, and it streamlines image storage for the Email & Landing Page Builders.

Enabling CMS involves two steps: Setting up the CMS and selecting the channel for the email builder.

5 Questions

Before you start, you need to do a little planning.

Here are five questions to ask your team:

>Who needs access to the email builder and CMS?

>What do you want to name your CMS workspace?

A workspace is the primary organizing and security principle in CMS. The workspace holds your images and defines which users are allowed access. You cannot delete workspaces, but you can rename them. I suggest a name like “Images.” More on workspaces here.

Salesforce CMS workspace and channel

>What do you want to name your CMS channel?

A channel lets you share content in your CMS workspace with other endpoints. You can create channels to connect to the Account Engagement email builder and other destinations like Landing Page Builder, Commerce Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Heroku or other third-party site using APIs. I suggest a channel name like “Account Engagement.” More on channels here.

>What role do you want to assign your marketers in CMS?

You have two options:

Content Admin – This role has full access to the workspace and can manage contributors, languages and sharing.

Content Manager – This role has full access to the workspace

>What language?

You have a choice of 18 different languages.

Open CMS

Go back to Salesforce > Setup > Content Setup, and select “Open CMS.”

Account Engagement Email Builder Configure for CMS

Now that you have answers to your planning questions from an earlier step, you can breeze through the CMS set up with the wizard. (High five!)

The first step is going to the CMS Workspace and selecting “Create Workspace.”

Email Builder create CMS workspace


NOTE: You need to have My Domain set up for the default CDN domain to appear. Go here to set up My Domain. (Older instances may not have this enabled.)


Select a channel to use when designing email content

Go back to Salesforce > Setup > Content Setup and choose “Select Channel.”

Account Engagement Email Builder Select Channel

This is the easiest step! Choose your channel in the dropdown.

select channel for email builder

You’re Done! Now you can add images to your new CMS workspace!

4. Folders and Enhanced Sharing

One more thing! Make sure that you have folders and enhanced sharing enabled.

In Salesforce, go to Setup > Lightning Email Templates

Salesforce lightning email templates

Almost there!

Go back to Salesforce>Setup and type “App Manager” to add the new items to your navigation. Here are the steps:

Salesforce Content Setup Choose navigation items

Then go back to Account Engagement for Lightning app. Add Email Content, Email Templates and Landing Pages to your navigation bar with three steps:

Salesforce Content setup add tabs

Select “Add to Navigation” and “Save.”

You should see the new items on your navigation bar at the top.

Salesforce Content Setup See tabs

5. Double-Check

If the CMS is set up correctly, you should be able to select “Salesforce CMS” in the email template tab when adding images.

Salesforce CMS Account Engagement email builder


If you cannot see the tabs (Email Templates, Email Content or Landing Page), you probably need to change the tab settings. Read more here.

Go to Setup > Profiles

Choose the desired profile and select “Edit.”

Scroll to Tab Settings section. Find the desired tab and check the setting. It should be set to Default On.

Salesforce Content Setup Tabs Default On


Other helpful Email Builder blogs:

Account Engagement Email Content – Email Sending Gotchas

Account Engagement Email Builder – Explore Your Image Hosting Choices

Email Content – See Your Email Metrics

Construction guy dancing