Woah!  The Marketing Cloud Growth Winter Release 2025 is packed with incredible goodness!

Let’s jump right in!

Opportunity Influence

I never saw this coming.  Boom!  Marketing reporting convenience!

Marketers can now see which campaigns are most impactful with virtually no effort. Opportunity Influence uses email click engagement data to automatically attribute revenue from each Closed/Won opportunity to specific campaigns. You can choose first-touch or last-touch attribution models to see which campaigns are most effective at different customer journey stages.

This is a game changer for marketing teams that spend considerable time and effort creating campaigns, campaign hierarchies, and adding campaign members ONLY to lose reporting because sales didn’t add contact roles. Never again!  This is a huge win!

Event-Based Campaigns

Salesforce added a new campaign template with a preconfigured flow triggered by an event.  Marketers will choose the Event option and then open the campaign flow to configure the starting event and add email or SMS message content. Marketers can use this when someone purchases or subscribes to receive emails.

There’s more!

Marketers can also personalize their message content using contextual event data in merge fields, such as product purchase or subscription details. Then, they can use that message in an event-triggered flow. For example, they could send a webinar confirmation that includes the webinar name and link, or a confirmation about recent email or SMS subscriptions.

Einstein Copilot

Einstein Copilot is now generally available in Marketing Cloud Growth.

Copilot saves marketers time by generating draft campaign briefs, messaging, and branded content.  Einstein Copilot is natively embedded across Salesforce applications to deliver a consistent user experience that can answer questions, generate content, and dynamically automate any action to improve productivity.

Now, Einstein can create content that reflects your company’s personality and voice. Einstein uses your default tone to generate new content.  You can edit the tone description to adjust the text.  In Copilot, content authors can select a different tone when they refine the generated text. Examples of different tones are Professional, Informative, Casual, or Urgent.

Configure your brand identity and select a default tone so that Einstein can use it to create content. You also can revise content using a different tone. For example, if your company’s default tone is Professional, but you want an email to sound informal, ask Einstein to revise the email using the Casual tone.

Other Winter 2025 Enhancements for Marketing Cloud Growth

The Winter 2025 release of Marketing Cloud Growth brings several enhancements designed to streamline your marketing efforts and improve user experience. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Dynamic Content: Customize your email campaigns with dynamic content variations for subject lines, preheaders and individual recipient preferences.
  • Enhanced Dashboard: The Home page now offers a more intuitive view with campaign and activity widgets, and streamlined links to supporting content. Campaigns feature content status badges, and you can now easily rename flows and access specific elements.
  • Improved Content Management: Quickly update images in email and landing page components with the new Replace option. New default settings and breadcrumb navigation simplify segment creation and management.
  • Advanced Scoring Rules: Create complex scoring rules for leads and contacts using multiple or group conditions, such as tracking email clicks combined with form submissions.
  • SMS Messaging Preferences: A new default preference page allows recipients to manage their SMS communication subscriptions through a Preference Manager merge field.
  • Click Tracking: Track link and button clicks on your landing pages and external sites. Automatic tracking is available for landing pages created in Marketing Cloud Growth, but external site tracking requires reconfiguration.
  • Component Updates: The Marketing Consent Status component is being retired; replace it with the Privacy Consent Status component to avoid interruptions. You can also clone content to save time and designate images as decorative for improved accessibility.
  • Workspace Content Sharing: Reuse and share branded content efficiently across different workspaces, integrating seamlessly with Salesforce CMS.
  • Skip the Alt Text for Decorative Images:  You can mark an image as decorative so a visitor using screen readers or other assistive technologies is not distracted.  Use this option for background images, ornamental icons, and other images that don’t contain important information.
  • Simplified Data Kit Install: The latest update simplifies Marketing Cloud Growth data kit management. Now, you can install or update all required data kits with a single click through the marketing setup assistant, eliminating the need for individual updates. You may still need to deploy data streams in Data Cloud for some updates.

These updates enhance your marketing productivity and ensure a smoother experience across the Marketing Cloud Growth platform. For detailed guidance, refer to Salesforce Help articles.

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