Setting up Marketing Cloud Growth Edition can feel daunting.

The implementation is new to everyone, the documentation is hard to decipher, and something changes every few months. (Agh!)

Keep reading to make Marketing Cloud Growth implementation as simple as pressing the EASY button.

Getting Started with Marketing Cloud Growth Implementation

I created this blog as a quick-start guide for a basic Marketing Cloud setup.

Please note that your implementation may have differences. Examples:

  • Data Cloud is already installed.
  • Your company didn’t purchase SMS, so you won’t see those Data Kits.
  • Your company already has Identity Resolution rulesets.
  • And more!

Use my blog as a starting point, but be aware of your company’s unique differences.  As always, refer to Salesforce’s official documentation on Marketing Cloud Growth.

Good luck!


1. Add the correct Permission Sets

First, ensure you have the Data Cloud Admin and Marketing Cloud Admin permission sets.  If you add from the permission sets, the system will automatically add the licenses simultaneously.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Permission Set Assignment

2. Install Data Cloud

Next, you need to install Data Cloud.  Once you have Data Cloud Admin access, you can go to Data Cloud setup .

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Cloud Setup

Choose “Get Started” in the lower right corner.  This step took about 35 minutes.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Cloud Install


System will look like this when complete. (Below)

marketing cloud implementation data cloud complete

NOTE:   If you already have Data Cloud installed, go to the next step.



3. Install Salesforce CRM

The next big item is ingesting from Salesforce CRM.  From the Data Cloud Setup screen, go to Salesforce CRM and choose “Install.”  (This blog just covers doing Sales Cloud.)

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Sales Cloud Configuration

NOTE: If you already have Salesforce CRM data already ingested, you will only see “Uninstall.” as an option.  If so, go to the next step.


Choose Install for Admins Only and watch for the “Complete” notification.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Admins Only Complete


4. Enable Marketing Cloud

Next, go to the setup box and type “Assistant Home.”  This is the primary page for setting up Marketing Cloud Growth.  Note this location because we will be coming back here numerous times.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant


Salesforce Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant Basics



Click on Basic Settings > Prerequisites.  Select “Enable Marketing Cloud.”

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Enable Marketing Cloud



Next, go to “Marketing Data” tab.  Select Install for each item.  You can do all of these simultaneously.  (You don’t have to do one at a time.) Once complete, you will see green checks for each item.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Install Marketing Data Kits


NOTE: Don’t proceed to Identity Resolutions… yet.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Warning Identity Resolution


5. Create Identity Resolution Rules

Now, navigate to Data Cloud in the App Launcher.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud App Launcher Data Cloud


Go to the Data Streams tab. Click “New.” Follow the steps to deploy the Standard Data Bundles.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Deploying Data Kits


Not done yet!  Continue to follow these steps to deploy the Installed Data Kits and Packages.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Deploying Installed Data Kits and Packages


Do a quick double-check before you leave this area.  If you click on each item under Packages, you should see no data streams in the canvas (red box).

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Deploying Installed Data Kits and Packages Double Check

6. Create Data Cloud Identity Resolution Rules

Next, you need to set your Identity Resolution Rules.  These set the criteria for Data Cloud to organize and unify data from multiple systems that may be labeled and modeled differently.

NOTE: In this blog, I used “Fuzzy Name and Normalized Email.”  Discuss with your team if you should use a different Match Rule.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Create Identity Resolution Rules


7. Manage Delivery, Tracking and Consent

Navigate back to Setup > Assistant Home.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant Channels


Go to Setup > Assistant Home > Channels > Email.  Click on each of the items below to set up each category.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Manage Delivery Tracking and Consent


Authenticated Domain – Add your company’s domain for verification.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Authenticated Domains


Company Information – Select “Edit” to add your company’s address.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Company Information


Email Addresses – Add names of people you want to send email From.  If you have a role-based email address, you will have to create an inbox to verify.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Org Wide Addresses



Einstein Metrics Guard – You should activate this.  It helps filter out bot traffic that can make your marketing metrics inaccurate. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Feature Settings


Einstein Send Time Optimization – I recommend activating ESTO as well. This uses AI to send your emails at optimum times.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Einstein for Marketing

8. Digital Experiences

We’re getting close!

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant Channels

Go to Setup > Assistant Home > Channel > Sites and Forms

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Go to Digital Experiences


Follow these steps for set up.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Digital Experiences


9. Reporting and Analytics

Here we go.  The last step for basic setup.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Marketing Cloud Setup Assistant

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Reporting and Optimization


Go back to Settings > Assistant Home > Reporting and Optimization > Campaign Analytics.  You can install each item simultaneously.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Reporting Install

Install for Admins and watch for the complete message.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Admins Only Complete


10. Other items

Well, I got you through the basics.  You still have more to setup, including scoring, preference page customization, forms, flows and much more.

Marketing Cloud Growth is new to everyone.


Schedule 30 minutes on my calendar if you need consulting help.